Your body is your guide to a more vital life.
What is your body telling you?
Does your body feel heavy, sluggish and painful?
Do you feel you don't have enough energy?
Are you struggling to just get through the day?
What our clients say
Our clients tell us they have more energy to play with the ones they love, they are once again enjoying the sports that inspire them, they have more capacity to handle stress, they sleep better and wake up with more energy, they have stopped over-thinking and their improved posture gives them greater confidence.
Do you like what we do?
Survive, manage, or thrive. What does it mean for you and your health?
Survive-Manage-Thrive is an expression of how you use your strategies and resources in your life, in relation to the challenges you face. This has implications for your body, your health and quality of life, but also for the choices you make in life.
In survival, you react instinctively to danger. It's the "reptilian brain" that rules.
You experience a spectrum from panic and feelings of fight/flight, to resignation and paralysis.
You try to get out of the danger by reacting/acting out, i.e. "fight-flight". Or in the worst case by holding your breath, staying very still and hoping it will pass, i.e. "freeze".
Now you have more resources. You stay with your head above the water, you can handle life.
Here, too, there is a spectrum from just treading water with your nose just above the surface, to being solution-oriented. You start to plan and have a goal in mind for what you want to achieve, rather than being focused on what you want to escape from. You build the energy, courage, tenacity and perseverance to change.
Now you have a goal, the resources and the energy to really create change. You have a sense of almost inexhaustible energy. You see more opportunities and options to optimize. You create collaborations. You see a clearer vision, not only for yourself, but also how you can contribute to and can help others. There is a clear sense of community, a WE. Gratitude for the gifts you have been given and the opportunity you have to move on.
What do you need more of in your life?
Better posture?
Freer breathing?
Flexible body?
More ease?
Team Ryggrörelsen
Loas Ahlborg, Licensed Chiropractor
Myrthe Wassenburg, MChiro, MSc
Monica Kringstad, SRI Facilitator