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Intro night: “From fight-flight-freeze to Flow”

  • Ryggrorelsen Network Care Center Götgatan 11, 3tr Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden (se karta)

“From fight-flight-freeze to flow”

How our posture and nervous system determines our experience of health and life.

Did you know your posture and (mental) health are connected? And that your spine literally tells a story of what you are experiencing in life right now?

Your body will express and show anything from stress, survival mode, busy mind, as well as experiences like feeling on purpose, love, gratitude and optimizing.

During the intro night we will talk more about how your mind and body are connected and how you can experience more energy in your life. There will also some demos of the technique we use in our clinic.

For you that have never been at Ryggrörelsen before you will have the opportunity to book a FREE postural analysis (check out the picture below for some results of current clients)!

Register you and your guests via the button below or by clicking “going” on the facebook event page.

If you would like to get inspired already check out our instagram & facebook for more content, info and inspiration!

10 maj


25 oktober

Intro night: “From fight-flight-freeze to Flow”