Are your posture and nervous system stopping you from sending your project?
Fight-flight-freeze vs flow.
Stressed. Heavy. Tired. Pains. Frequent injuries. Slow recovery. All over the place. Afraid to fall or clip. Disconnected from your body.
Light. Effortless. Energized. More good quality tries. Focused. Fun. Know where your body is in space. Cope with stress. Fast recovery.
So what does 'fight-flight-freeze' actually mean?
Your posture tells a story of what is going on in your mind, emotions, life or on the wall. It shows exactly what state your nervous system is in. Do you go to the gym, do all your rehab, eat healthy, take your collagen and still it doesn't seem to translate to the wall? It's like you have tried everything, yet still something feels off when you climb and your progression has plateaued.
When your nervous system is in ‘fight-flight-freeze’ you will feel stressed, heavy on the wall and probably lost the enjoyment of climbing. It is like your body and brain have stopped talking to each other. When you are in that state your nervous system doesn’t have enough energy to learn new strategies or even recover. This also reflects in your posture; it sucks.
What if you could optimize your posture and thereby bring your nervous system out of fight-flight-freeze into flow? Don't you think it's finally time to send your project with confidence and ease?
The shape, position, tension and tone of your spine determines the shape, position, tension and tone of your life.
- Donny Epstein
We have the beta for your posture and nervous system.
Meet Fredric.
“I have been climbing for 15 years. Since starting care I feel much lighter on the wall, have no back pain, my squatting technique improved and I am able to keep my body closer to the wall which improves my energy efficiency in climbing.”
Before starting care.
After 7 sessions.
“Very professional treatment by Myrthe and Ryggrörelsen! Met her through climbing and was invited to an introduction evening about their approach and treatment to work with my posture and thus get more power and strength on the climbing wall.
After visiting Myrthe for a while, I have received so much more in return - I no longer suffer from chronic fatigue, have more capacity and energy to handle everyday challenges and stress. In addition, I am now also more aware of my posture and body well-being on a whole new level than before!"
Johan Boethius
Who is Myrthe?
Myrthe Wassenburg DC is a Network Spinal practitioner and neuroscientist. She has a great interest for the human body, human behaviour and performance. Myrthe dedicating her life to helping individuals optimize their human system consisting of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual parts. All to create a richer and more diverse experience of life.
Originally trained as a chiropractor and neuroscientist, Myrthe now works as postural and stress specialist at Ryggrörelsen Network Care Center. She uses Network Spinal as well as other holistic approaches to help her clients to heal physical injuries, reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, optimize performance and reach and sustain new levels of energy, clarity, and fulfillment to feel and live better. Her clients include entrepreneurs, athletes (particularly climbers), families, and anyone experiencing anything from burnout or pain to those wanting to enhance different areas of their life.
Next to her work at Ryggrörelsen she also conducts research into posture and neurodegenerative diseases (specifically Parkinson's), at the Karolinska Institutet. She hopes her research will create more awareness around holistic approaches to (mental) health and acknowledging the body's own capacity to heal.
In her spare time, you can find her on the wall or cheering on the other climbers with a fresh cup of coffee.