Are you in “fight-flight-freeze” or in "flow”?
For a limited time only 750kr (normal price 1500kr)
A special offer for you!
Did you know that stress, a busy mind, feeling disconnected from your body or emotions and even the sense of having a purpose or contributing are reflected in your posture and nervous system?
You have the opportunity to schedule a free postural consultation with Myrthe and find out how your posture is related to what you are experiencing in your life.
This consultation includes:
a thorough health questionnaire, postural screening, nervous system assessment and a personalised interpretation of your results.
So what does 'fight-flight-freeze’ actually mean?
Our posture tells us a story of what is going on in our mind, emotions and in our life. It reflects the state and resourcefulness of our nervous system.
You have probably heard of the concept 'fight-flight-freeze' before. It is a hot topic these days.
But do you know what it actually looks like in your life when your nervous system is in this state?
Our nervous system (or I like to call it our 'human operating system - hOS') consists of different layers and you can experience 'fight-flight-freeze' in any of these layers. This is why stress looks so different from person to person.
I am going to share with you the coding of your hOS. I invite you to curiously observe in which layer you experience a challenge.
Becoming aware of your challenge is the start of moving to a state of flow.
Which struggles do you relate to in the layers below?
Life Force
Are you someone who needs to hit the snooze button a dozen times because getting out of bed is such an effort or you feel constantly drained, exhausted, experience colds or recover slowly even if you sleep enough, eat healthily and exercise regularly? Does it feel like you are disconnected from your body?
Are you someone who just doesn't seem to have enough "oomph” to take action on the things you want to do? Do you feel overly rational, have a need to control your surroundings or feel like you have lost your spontaneity? Does your body feel super tense and bound up?
Lower Mind
Are you someone who always loses their keys, gets caught up in whats "right" or "wrong", has difficulty setting boundaries or struggles to focus your attention?
Do you long for connection and relationships with others but somehow you never feel supported, you struggle showing up for others, being vulnerable or being present with others?
Higher Mind
Do you feel like you go around in circles and whatever you do is inefficient? It seems like you have lost your creativity, ability to see the bigger picture or ask higher quality questions like “Is who I am being right now the most optimal version of me for this situation?
Do you have a hard time connecting to your intuition or sense of 'knowing’? You rarely experience true gratitude? You envy people who just seem to know who they are and sense what they have to bring to the world, but this just seems like a blind spot for you?
Meta / Quantum
Maybe you know someone who always seems to be in the right place at the right time and appears to be 'in the flow’ with life, whereas you feel out-of-sync or out of touch with the rhythm of the world around you?
So what 'fight-flight-freeze' really means is that there is a challenge in any of these layers, which stops you from experiencing a state of flow and ease. There is either a lack of energy and resources, or existing energy is bound up making it inaccessible for your body to use. This puts your body into a certain tension pattern, which will be visible in your posture and spine.
During our postural consultation we assess the coding behind your hOS; we identify where your challenges lie and how we can upgrade your code, enabling you to have a richer and more diverse experience of life.
For a limited time only 750kr (normal price 1500kr)
The shape, position, tension and tone of your spine determines the shape, position, tension and tone of your life.
- Donny Epstein
Do you want to have more energy to bring to your relationship, family and friends?
Meet Fredric.
"I have been a climber for 15 years. Since starting care I feel much lighter on the wall, I have no back pain anymore, I am able to keep my back stable when doing squads and my energy efficiency in climbing improved because my posture is optimized."
Before starting care.
This is a typical posture for a male in today's society. It shows a high degree of 'fight-flight-freeze'. This person is likely to experience exhaustion, low energy, tense body, sleeping issues, a busy mind. This state diminishes your quality of life.
4 weeks of care
This person's nervous system is able to function more efficiently and optimally. In this state he will perform better, feel less tense, be more energized, sleep better, be more focus and have an improved hormonal balance.
Check out our social media for more client transformations and experiences!
Are you looking to have more focus at work?
"Network Spinal Analysis and Somato-Respiratory Integration, Donny Epstein's revolutionary methodologies, are amongst the most powerful sources of personal transformation I have ever experienced or seen. They produce embodied and empowered strategies that are both sustainable and enjoyable for enhanced human resourcefulness and wellness.
I am stronger, more inspired, creative, and healthy because of this work. It has personally and professionally helped me to maximize my ability to contribute to others."
Tony Robbins
Global entrepreneur, investor, NY Times #1 best selling author, philanthropist, and the world's #1 life and business strategist.
Would you like to perform better in your sport?
Don't just take my word for it, here is what our clients experience.
"Increased body awareness. More relaxed, which I think has solved most of the back problems. The process tends to be more mental than purely physical and therefore affects several areas of my life. My posture, especially neck posture, has improved significantly."
Olleper - office worker
"I sought help to overcome persistent sports injuries. Through Network Care I have overcome this and have also experienced a higher level of energy and mental well-being."
Olle - elite athlete
"My most persistent symptoms have been heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, and chronic insomnia (sleeping difficulty). Within a few weeks of starting my sessions with Myrthe, I could take deep breaths, my heart palpitations disappeared and my sleep improved significantly."
Mae - dentist
Who is Myrthe?
Myrthe Wassenburg DC is a Network Spinal practitioner and neuroscientist. She has a great interest for the human body, human behaviour and performance. Myrthe dedicating her life to helping individuals optimize their human system consisting of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual parts. All to create a richer and more diverse experience of life.
Originally trained as a chiropractor and neuroscientist, Myrthe now works as postural and stress specialist at Ryggrörelsen Network Care Center. She uses Network Spinal as well as other holistic approaches to help her clients to heal physical injuries, reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, optimize performance and reach and sustain new levels of energy, clarity, and fulfillment to feel and live better. Her clients include entrepreneurs, athletes (particularly climbers), families, couples and anyone experiencing anything from burnout or pain to those wanting to enhance different areas of their life.
Next to her work at Ryggrörelsen she also conducts research into posture and neurodegenerative diseases (specifically Parkinson's), at the Karolinska Institutet. She hopes her research will create more awareness around holistic approaches to (mental) health and acknowledging the body's own capacity to heal.
In her spare time, you can find her on the climbing wall or cheering on the other climbers with a fresh cup of coffee.
"We live in an extremely fast-paced highly innovative world. Every day we are bombarded with information and stimuli equivalent to the amount of 174 newspapers per day, which can be a huge opportunity or totally overwhelming. Without realizing it we're putting a large amount of energy into being in a near-constant fight-or-flight state. I help people to sustainably redirect that energy towards creativity, growth and progress.”

It is time to experience life with more energy and ease.
All rights reserved, 2023, Ryggrörelsen Network Care Center AB